Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Easter orders!

My Mam asked me to make some special Easter cards for members of our family and here are the finished products:
She also asked me to make a birthday card for one of her closest friends (and also my Godmother)

What do you think?
Kat x

Thursday, 25 March 2010

I have a follower!!

I just wanted to say HELLO to http://hawaiiinmydreams.blogspot.com/, the first Purrfect Papercraft follower! =)

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Midweek Update!

I finally have enough to put together to make an update! Wahoo! =D So ... here goes:
At the weekend I made a card that my mam ordered for my Auntie, and a small card for my friend (whose birthday is today!) My Mam loved her card, and I am looking forward to feedback from my Auntie!

Yesturday I finished off the bookmarks I started making on my lunch and I can't wait to be able to do more!

Sorry for the horrendously bad lighting! These photos were taken in the afternoon, in the shadow of a rather large vase of flowers! I will take better photographs of the next batch =)

Today during my lunch break I popped my Ipod on and cut out these beauties:

I'm not 100% sure what I want to do with these, I have a couple of ideas. You'll just have to wait and see! =)
Kat x

Friday, 19 March 2010

small update

I've been a bit slow on the craft front lately. I just haven't had the time to sit and have a really good making session. *pouts* On my lunch break today I made a few basic tags from coloured card and I am planning to embellish them later. I also want to make some with a fancy edge but we'll have to see what happens there! Anyway, This weekend I have nothing planned other than my horse riding lesson at 2pm, so I am going to sit at the dining table aaaaallllll weekend and make make make! =D

I may even take my creativeness into the kitchen and play with my food!

Whats everyone up to this weekend?

Love Kat x

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Wonderland inspiration!

My inspiration at the moment is Wonderland, after having had my interest renewed thanks to the wonderful (and crazy) Tim Burton! I am currently planning to design a range of cards, bookmarks etc with a Wonderland twist =)

I also really want to have a tea party in the garden! ^_^

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

More (belated) Mother's Day

I am in the mood for getting organised today! I always feel better when everything is properly filed away in its place and everything is easy to get to... it's the Monica Geller in me haha! I have put together a ring binder with dividers for each month, so I can keep record of my orders. It's also where I am going to keep pictures of the cards I have made.

Speaking of which, here are the rest of my Mother's Day cards. All were made to order apart from the little blue one, which I just made for fun!

I'm looking forward to the weekend! My boyfriend is at work so I will not be distracted from my super-sized crafting mission! I have a lot of ideas buzzing around inside my head and I want to make as many of them a reality as possible! It's time to knuckle down and really get this business going!
Love Kat x

Monday, 15 March 2010

Happy people!

My Mam loved her Mother's Day cards and my Grandma loved hers too, so I am chuffed! My Mam has even put in her orders for all the birthday cards she wants to send this year! =D Here is the card I made for the best Mam ever!

I love the colours on this card! I made one in similar colours for my Dad but I haven't taken a photo of it yet!

Loves x

Thursday, 11 March 2010

The last Mother's Day card

Yesturday afternoon I was asked by a collegue whether or not it was too late for her to order a Mother's Day card! I was excited but stressed as last night was my only free night before Mother's Day! So I told her I would see what I could do, and rushed home and made a pretty card. I also finished the cards I am making for my Dad to give to my Mam, my Mam to give to my Grandma, and for my brother and I to give to my Mam! So .... that's it now for this year. =)

Photos to come soon


Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Purrfect Papercraft Postcards!!

I've been thinking for a while now about what else besides cards that Purrfect papercraft could produce, and today I sat and made my first postcards! I only made two, but it's a start! I'm really excited about it! Here are some peeks:

They started off totally blank, and I decorated them with pretty paper and a "thinking of you" stamp in co-ordinating colours. I made these on my lunch break and sadly ran out of time, I could have sat for hours making these! Looking forward to home time so I can finish my Mother's Day cards and continue to create these little beauties! =)
So pleased it's the mid-week peak, the weekend means time with friends and crafting! =D
Hope everyone is having a good week so far. As always, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Kat xx

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Easter card update as promised =)

I have finished taking and uploading the photos of the cards I have made so far. I said I would post them "soon" so here they are!

This is only a small selection, the rest can be seen on my Flickr account http://www.flickr.com/photos/purrfectpapercraft I'm happy with the way they have turned out, I feel that with each card I make I am getting a little bit better and a little bit more confident. I'm looking forward to making more! =D
Love xx

Monday, 8 March 2010

Monday Monday!

I can't believe it is Monday already! Never mind, it is one day closer to next weekend! I had a great time catching up with friends and making lots of Easter cards and a "congrats" card for my Uncle who has just got a new job. I will post pictures later =)

I'm feeling so inspired today - it's a lovely, sunny Spring day, I've been to the Baltic art gallery

and had a look at all the new exhibitions and bumped into a friend I haven't seen since we left school and got talking about our future hopes and dreams, and I have discovered an organisation where I live specifically tailored to recent University graduates who want to start their own businesses! =D I can't believe it! I hope I can make it to all of their events. Its hard working such long days, I miss out on a lot of important stuff!

Hope everyone's had a nice monday!


Friday, 5 March 2010

YES! It's that time of the week again! This weekend I MUST catch up with my orders! As I've been feeling like Spring this week (despite the frosty mornings and bitterly cold nights!) I thought I'd gather some inspiring spring images =)

[All images from weheartit.com]

This weekend I MUST catch up on all my orders! My Mam has asked me to make two Mother's Day cards for my Grandma, one from her and one from my brother and I. I still haven't made one for her yet! I was hoping to get some done to sell but I think I have left it too late =( I'd better get myself prepared now for Easter!
Hope everyone has a lovely Weekend!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Inspiring lunchtime!

Today I decided to go to the Laing Art Gallery on my linch, since I now work 5 minutes walking distance away and I haven't been in ages!

First, I went round all the old exhibits, and then I went round the new bit, which was all about music in the 60's and 70's. (It was called from Bowie to the Beatles) I was amazed that I took a leisurely stroll there, admiring the beautiful spring weather, then walked around all the exhibitions, and took another leisurely stroll back to work and STILL had some of my lunch time left! So I read a magazine and ate an apple =)

Here are some pictures of my favourite paintings. They remind me of my childhood, when I used to go there a lot with my Nanna and then she'd take me to Mark Toneys for ice-cream!

This is called "the Stone Pickers", and my uncle admired this so much he painted his own!

Sodom and Gomorrah - this used to captivate and terrify me! I'm religious, and the thought of making God angry as a kid was something that gave me nightmares!!

And last but not least, my most favourite! Isabella and the pot of Basil. Its a tragic tale of love and I'm a sucker for those!
Hope everyone has had a lovely Thursday!
Kat x